Requiem (Last Resort, Gen/Het, Ang)

Requiem (Last Resort, Gen/Het, Ang)

Couple ou threesome ou fiction centrée sur le(s) personnage(s) de : Christine Kendal, Sam Kendal

Langue : Anglais
Auteur : ebi pers
Genre(s) : One-Shot, drame
Rating : Accord parental (= AP ou K+)
État : One-shot/Terminée.
Connaissance du fandom : Conseillée
Spoiler : Un peu compliqué à expliquer car la fiction a été écrite avant la fin de la série mais dévoile beaucoup sur la vie de Sam et Christine.
Commentaire de l’auteur : Sam’s actually still alive. The government thought he was dead after they sank the sub for questioning a direct order. And Christine does get a telephone call from her husband later that confirms he’s alive. But the important thing is: she thinks he’s dead right now. And she’s mourning him.

Résumé : Sam Kendal is dead. And this is his requiem. A moment in the mind of Christine Kendal when she learns her husband is purportedly dead.

Note de l’auteur : Dedicated to all the military families out there, especially those who have lost a loved one in the armed forces. What did you think? Five stages of grief and poor Christine went through all of them in the frame of an hour, more or less. For those of you who didn’t catch the episode.

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